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  • Time 107.5 fm
  • 7 AM - 12 PM



With Adam Ravenscroft

Volunteers join Hainault Forest staff to search for dangerous snare traps

Volunteers and park rangers have been searching for animal traps in Hainault. 

It is after several snares were found in recent weeks.

Francis Castro is from Vision Redbridge, which is responsible for part of Hainault Forest, said: “We’ve unfortunately had a badger trapped in one which unfortunately died.

“As well we have a lot of dog walkers who use Hainault forest and the concern is someones’ pet could get caught in one.”

“We don’t know who is responsible for it, but we can only assume the snares have been set to trap deer as they’re set at the height you would expect a jack or fallow to get trapped in.”

“It’s really hard to try and tackle it because it could be for many different reasons,” added Anna MacLaughlin, from Vision Redbridge. 

“We’re hoping that by raising public awareness they either get wind of what we’re doing and just pack it in all together or we find anything which could be valuable evidence and could led to a prosecution.

“Some snares are legal in the UK, but it is utterly illegal on this land. If there was enough evidence and we could pin it down to one particular person they could be prosecuted.”

A group of volunteers, along with staff from Vision Redbridge and the Woodland Trust, searched areas of the forest yesterday aiming to remove more snares.

None were found, and it is hoped there are no more in the forest, but dog walkers and others who visit the country park are being urged to stay vigilant.

“We want people to keep a little bit closer attention to their dogs while they’re on site,” said Francis. “If they see anything suspicious, any groups of people, any individuals to report it.”

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