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Ilford man convicted of murdering his wife in cleaver and hammer attack

Saeeda Hussain was killed by her husband at their home in Ilford.

A man from Ilford has been convicted of the murder of his wife with a meat cleaver in their home.

Muhammad Javed, 59, brutally attacked Saeeda Hussain in February 2018 before going to Ilford police station and told officers he had killed her.

Javed was controlling and paranoid that Saeeda, 54, was cheating on him.

He had installed CCTV in their home in Staines Road to spy on her and find out if she was seeing another man.

Family also told police that Javed had abused and assaulted Saeeda many times, but none of this was ever reported to police.

The family, including Saeeda, had begun to fear for their safety in the weeks leading up to the attack.

Javed used a meat cleaver and hammer when he killed his wife in a sustained and brutal attack on Tuesday, 13 February.

Javed will be sentenced next month for killing his wife.

Police found her body on the floor of their living room with wounds to her head and arms, and a blood-covered boiler suit that Javed had apparently worn during the attack had been discarded in there.

Saeeda was pronounced dead at the scene.

Detective Inspector John Marriott of the Homicide and Major Crime Command, said:”The only person who ever thought Saeeda was cheating was Javed, and this was the product of his own warped mind.

“I have no doubt that Javed planned this assault to coincide with a time when he knew his family were away from the home. He probably donned the boiler suit, which we found blood-spattered, to avoid getting his wife’s blood on his clothes.

“Javed was controlling and violent and this escalated in the brutal murder of his wife, Saeeda. If ever a case shows the importance of contacting police if you are in, or aware of, an abusive relationship, then this is it.”

Javed will be sentenced on Tuesday, 21 June.

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