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Town hosts introduced to Romford centre

From left: Romford BID Coordinator Louise Mager, Town Hosts Nicholas Butler, Taylor Fitzgerald-Wright, Tracey Whitaker, Carrie Kendall, Romford BID Director Rob Purdie

New “town hosts” have been brought into Romford, to help visitors in the area.

The four hosts will be in the centre as a point of call and to look after areas outside the council’s care.

The development is being brought in by Romford’s Business Improvement District.

Businesses within the ring road area have been invited to join the group and pay a levy.

The money generated is then spent on making improvements to the town centre.

The new hosts are the first of eight key projects that aim to improve factors in the town for local businesses.

Others include promoting Romford as a destination, creating exciting spaces, and tackling issues in research and development.

The hosts will aim to improve the feel of Romford town centre

Rob Purdie, Romford BID Director, said: “I am excited by the opportunity to lead a BID at the start of its five-year life cycle in a part of London with huge potential and a very proactive and passionate board.”

Speaking to Time 107.5, he said: “They (the hosts) represent us and they work with our members to try and encourage people to use the town centre, to understand the problems in the town centre, report them back to us so we can focus our funds on making the greatest impact possible.”

Town host, Nicholas Butler, said: “We’ll be there helping promote local businesses, we’ll be there keeping the finger on the pulse and working with the shops to help try make things a better area. We’ll also be working on environmental issues.”

The town hosts will be easily identifiable by their black blazers, which say Romford Business Improvement District, and red ties and will be around 9-6 most days of the week.

“Night Rangers” are also set to be introduced to help boost the night-time economy in the town.

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