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Partners can attend all maternity scans in hospitals from Monday

The change for partners will be implemented on Monday (credit: BHRUT)

Partners of pregnant loved ones will be able to attend all maternity scans at Queen’s Hospital and King George’s Hospital.

The Trust announced the change to restrictions will be implemented from Monday, 12 April.

Due to the pandemic, restrictions have meant partners have not been able to accompany women coming in for their 12-week scans.

With a high volume of women attending and very limited space in the hospital waiting areas it has meant restrictions have been necessary to comply with stringent infection prevention and control guidance.

A spokesperson for BHRUT said: “We’ve worked hard to make this possible while continuing to keep everyone safe, and have been able to do so by securing additional waiting space for partners (or one other adult if a woman does not have a partner, or they are unable to attend with her).

“They will be asked to wait outside the department until their turn, when they will be able to accompany their loved one to their appointment.

“Children are not allowed into scan appointments.”

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