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With Steve Dean

Man arrested after crashing stolen car into a bush in Loughton

The driver crashed a stolen car into a bus in Epping New Road (credit: Essex Police)

A man’s been arrested in connection with an unreported stolen car after it failed to stop for police in Loughton – then crashed into a bush.

Officers on routine patrol requested the driver of a vehicle to stop around 1.30am on Tuesday, 23 April.

Instead of stopping, the vehicle sped off through the Loughton and Buckhurst Hill areas reaching speeds of 90mph through residential roads before crashing into a bush in Epping New Road.

A 36-year-old man, who was driving the vehicle, was arrested immediately on suspicion of dangerous driving, failing to stop and being a disqualified driver.

The man failed a roadside breath test and was further arrested on suspicion of drink drive.

Enquiries made with the registered keeper of the car revealed the car had been stolen as a result of a burglary a few hours earlier and the same man was arrested on suspicion of the theft of the vehicle.

Essex Police’s Mr Adam Pipe, Head of Roads Policing, said: “This was a great piece of detective work in which my officers suspected something was amiss before a crime had been reported and pursued the stolen to effect an arrest.

“Burglary and theft of cars are crimes that have a deep, personal effect on all victims of crime and we are committed to do what’s needed to identify and arrest offenders.

“Our enquiries are continuing and the man remains in police custody for questioning.”

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